Tuesday, August 29, 2017

'I will not allow Harvey to take away the joy of splashing in puddles'

“When I was very young, we did an art contest at school. The theme was ‘What Makes Me Smile.’

“I had a poster board and Crayola crayons, and I sat at our family’s kitchen table to color my masterpiece.

“It was me wearing a yellow raincoat, hat and boots — standing in the rain puddles under a rainbow with one leg pink and the other leg flesh color because, well, I was about 7 at the time.

“We had that poster matted and framed, and it hung over my bed until I left my parents’ house. It continued to hang in that room until the house was sold two years ago.

“I will not allow Harvey and its aftermath to take away from me a lifetime’s joy of splashing in the puddles, listening to the sound of rain on the rooftops and spotting a rainbow.”

— Cherie Morgan

Hurricane Harvey is having a major impact on the lives of people in Baytown and surrounding communities. If you would like to share your thoughts on this historic weather event, send us a message on our Facebook or Instagram pages or email baytownproject@gmail.com.

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